Why hello there!

Welcome to the Phantom Zone
"Well what's it going to be hmm HMM"

Hello! My name is Megablast! (Nicknames: Mega, Meg, Jimbo, Brine or whatever comes to you're head.)I am an artist who is currently in collage getting his digital design major
Welcome to my world of randomness and horrors beyond comprehension.
You're a "proshipper/Proship"If you are anti-lgbtq or anti-BLM.If you are into loli/incest/shortaYou don't think fiction affects reality.
Before you interact with me
I might not be the smartest person when it comes to some topics. So If I do something wrong or get something wrong (either way I did something wrong.) Please be patient and try your best to educate me or talk to me on a certain topic. I’ll try to be as flexible and open-minded as I can.I am on the Autism Specturm so, Tone indicators are optional but if you wanna be the most honest with me please use them.If I am anyway following someone who is harmed others or is currently harming others or has hurt you in the past and never apologize. Please contact me, I'll hear you out on what happened. You’re voice matters just like anybody elses.
Everything I have created currently.
TF2 Characters from the Famous video game TF2
Any character from Undertale/Deltarune (The main two being Sans and Papyrus but the rest of the gang are absolutly perfect.)
TrollFace/Trollge/Troll Science. (My entire childhood since 2009.)

For obvious reasons. (Gmod Fan here)